Pre-Sale Property Inspections
Prompt is often called to inspect and report on properties with a Pre- Sale focus. The purpose of the pre-sale inspection is to uncover existing faults and identify potential problems. A pre-sale report will serve as an important tool when detecting any structural issues or when repairs are required before placing the property on the market. When the time arrives to sell, you can show the property is well maintained and safe which will offer potential buyers less bargaining power and may raise the listing price.
Having a pre-sale inspection will serve to assist both the seller and potential buyer in the valuation of a property. Whether they renegotiate in terms of immediate repair costs, market value adjustments, or contract termination in case of severe faults. This is the most commonly used property inspection requested by buyers purchasing existing property. A detailed report is drawn up that lists the findings as well as suggested remedies.
High quality
We value our reputation we create and deliver the most detailed report, so you can achieve the highest possible results.
Friendly Service
We arrive at your property ready to have a chat and then get to work! We bring our tools and specialised instruments to inspect your property.
Individual approach
Property inspection is our vocation! We will work with you and provide a detailed report which is unique to your property, filled with images and specific examples of your property.
Transparent prices
You always know what you are paying for: without hidden fees. Our prices are competitive!